The Journey to Self through SoulCollage®

The Ego, Jung tells us, is that part of the pyche that we think of as 'I'. Our conscious intelligence. Our everyday brain that thinks, plans and runs the show of our day-to-day life. The Self, as Jung defined it, is a greater entity, which includes the Ego but also incorporates the Personal and Collective Unconscious. Dreams and intuitions come from the Self. The archetypes of the unconscious dwell there. It is, Jung believed, the sphere of the Soul ~~Steven Pressfield. 'The War of Art'

"I would love to live like a river flows,
 carried by the surprise
 of its own unfolding".

 ~ ~John O'Donohue

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Last two Brisbane workshops for 2012: Don't miss out!

'There is a knowledge of the heart that gives deeper insight. The knowledge of the heart is in no book and is not to be found in the mouth of any teacher, but grows out of you like the green seed from the dark earth.' ~~Carl Jung.

Don’t rely on others to find your “deeper insight”. Come and join with like-minded people in a day of creativity, inspiration and self-discovery to learn how you can access your OWN Inner Wisdom. Release your creative Soul/Self! Let it out to play and discover its many aspects by exploring the profound meanings, unique to you, which are hidden within the images you intuitively choose, cut and paste as you create your beautiful cards and then dialogue with them. These cards will be the foundation of your personalised deck which you can build on over your lifetime and consult to gain insight and guidance.  SoulCollage® was developed by U.S. psychotherapist Seena Frost while studying under acclaimed transpersonal psychologist, Jean Houston. It's a powerful transformational process which works with the language of symbols and archetypes, combining image, intuition and synchronicity into a unique creative process that anyone can do. For more information about SoulCollage®, click here.

There's only a week to go until my next workshop in Brisbane next Saturday 16th June, so, with only one more workshop coming up this year (August 4th) don't miss out on your chance to experience this simple, fun, creative and powerful process first-hand! 

Click here for the full workshop details. I'm so looking forward to seeing you there!

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